Thursday, July 14, 2022

London 2022

This time in London we visited the Victoria and Albert Museum. A highlight is Tipu Sultan's tiger. It had a crank that made sounds like a dying British soldier when used.

A wish fulfilling cow from Southern India

A betel-nut container owned by the last King of Burma. When the museum gave back the king's regalia to Myanmar, they let the museum have this...

The Dacre beasts, Tudor heraldic statues that decorated a castle in Cumbria

The Victoria and Albert Museum also has a few large rooms full of casts of some of humanities greatest monuments.

We had a good time at the National Army Museum.

A wooden spoon awarded to the worst shot in the unit in the early 20th century. Hazing done right.

Dragoons had intimidating hats.

Elephant foot liqueur sets aren't really kosher anymore.

We also went to Rules for a classic British dinner.

Beef Wellington done right



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