Thursday, July 14, 2022

Hampton Court

Hampton Court was built by Cardinal Wolsey starting in 1514 outside of London.

Henry VIII "was given" it in 1529 when Wolsey fell out of favor.

The fountain in the center of Hampton Court used to dispense wine.

An oven that helped power nightly feasts.


The palace is still owned by the royal family.

Anne Boleyn helped decorate Hampton Court, but Henry VIII tried to eliminate all traces of her from the place after executing her. Her heraldic falcon that used to be in the roof of the great hall was recently found.

Spooky Hercules

After the separation of the Church of England from the Catholic Church, Henry VIII commissioned this paining of the writers of the four Gospels crushing the Pope with rocks.

Fancy incense burners

All royals worth their salt commemorate their court dwarves

When William of Orange became King of England, he enlarged Hampton Court to rival Versailles in the 17th century.

King George II was the last King of England to use Hampton Court as his primary residence.

King Henry VIII built the Royal Tennis Court. It is one of the oldest in the world still being used today.

Hampton Court gardens are extensive and well kept.


It is said George III never visited Hampton Court upon becoming king because he associated it with mistreatment from his father.

The largest grape vine in the world was planted in 1768 at Hampton Court. It produces sweet grapes not suitable for wine (sadly).

Hampton Court could still probably defend itself if it had some ammunition...


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