Monday, January 10, 2022

Medina Azahara


Madinat Azahara was built in the 10th century by Abd-ar--Rahman III when he proclaimed he was caliph, making Cordoba a caliphate, not an emirate.
The dignity of the new title required the establishment of a new city like the Fatimid Caliphs did in Tunisia with Ifriqiya and Cairo in Egypt, and the Abbasid Caliphs did in Iraq with Baghdad.

The city was only inhabited for 100 years; it was sacked in the Fitna, or civil war, that broke the Caliphate apart.  

The city has been abandoned for almost 1000 years.

Excavations began on the city in 1911.

The city became a UNESCO site in 2018.

The city is located adjacent to a large strip mall now.

The site is accessed by bus from a museum. The bus ride is 10 minutes and it runs every 20 minutes or so. The museum is still a work in progress (and pretty leaky!).

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