Sunday, July 14, 2019


Torrechiara Castle, located near Parma, is one of the most magnificent castles in the world. Pier Maria II de Rossi was granted the site in 1447 by Francesco Sforza, and built his castle to be an aesthetic masterpiece and a pratical bulwark against his enemies.

The castle has a commanding view of the Parma hills and countryside. Pier shacked up with his married lover, Bianca Pellegrini, in the castle, and covered it with magnificent frescos.

The castle is strategically placed on the Parma river, which flows from the Apennine Mountains through Parma to the Po River.

The castle is filled with magnificent frescos, including many Roman grotesque motifs.

The birds

Mysterious ancient ruins also line the walls, my favorite art subject.

Grotesques were popular in the 1500s after art was discovered in Nero's Domus Aurea. The word comes from grottoes, which were often adorned with art in rich Roman households. Raphael, Amico Aspertini, Parmigianino, and Bernardino Campi all popularized the style.

Flemish painters like Paul Bril helped popularize ancient landscape painting.
This style is inspired by Giulio Roman, who in the 16th century painted part of the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua.

These landscapes were likely painted by Jacopo Zanguidi (Bertoja/Baglione) in the mid 1500s.

The Golden Chamber is the most famous room in the castle. It was painted in the 15th century by Benedetto Bembo as a testament to Pier and Bianca's love and Rossi power.

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