Friday, April 8, 2022


Besancon is the capital of the Franche-Comte region and home to an impressive citadel designed by Vauban.

The city is surrounded by the Doubs river.

The fortress looms high above the city.

The French captured Besancon in 1668 during the War of Devolution, and Vauban drew up a plan for the citadel. The treaty at the end of the war handed the city back to the Spanish Hapsburgs, and the Spanish used Vauban's designs to start improving city defenses. It was too little too late though, and the French recaptured the city for good in 1674 during the Franco-Dutch War.

Today the citadel houses a zoo, amongst other attractions.

Like art

The family of monkeys that lives in this moat area really catches you off guard.

They have a pretty good view.

What's the point of having a human powered machine if people can't run in it anymore?

There's also an aquarium up there!

Kangaroos in a French citadel

Besacon Citadel is a very unique place; the zoo fits there surprisingly well.

The views from the citadel are great as well.

A nice family of hoping lemurs

The peacocks roam free.

The Mouflon

I did not realize llamas slept like that.

Most cities in France have a carousel downtown themed after the city. Victor Hugo was born in Besancon, hence Jean Valjean carrying Marius through the sewer.

French tacos! This one has cordon bleu inside...


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