Sunday, August 29, 2021



Brescia is one of the largest and oldest cities in Northern Italy. It is located between Milan and Verona.

Brescia is a wealthy city with Roman ruins and many modern buildings.

And is has the modern art that goes with it.

Brescia's Old Cathedral was built in the 11th century.

The entrance houses a 14th century bishop's tomb.

The four evangelists look great on this tomb.

The ornate ceiling has been painted in many styles over the ages.

There are also old Christian mosaics in the floor.

Adjacent to the Old Cathedral is the New Cathedral. It houses a monument to Brescian Pope Paul VI.

The Church embodies tasteful Brescian aesthetics.

This stone mask next to our hotel had its nose cut-off by Imperial decree. In the 14th century when the Holy Roman Emperor captured the city from Papal sympathizers, instead of cutting off all the citizens' noses like he swore to do, his troops cut the noses off all the statues instead.

Brescia has a basilica like Vicenza.

The Capitolium of Brixia, the Roman name for Brescia, was built in 73 A.D. by Emperor Vespasian.

There is a Roman theater next to the Capitolium.

A medieval castle overlooks Brescia.

After the Romans, the Lombards, Holy Roman Empire, Scaligeri, Visconti, French,Venetians, and Austrians all controlled Brescia.

Each made improvements to the castle.

In any other country, Brescia would be a top destination. The competition is tough in Italy!

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