Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Kutaisi is the legislative capital and 2nd biggest city in Georgia. Kutaisi and Tbilisi have traded the role of Georgia's capital since King Aeetes ruled the Kingdom of Colchis from Kutaisi during the time of Jason and the Argonauts.
Gelati Monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage Site 15 minutes outside of Kutaisi. Founded by King David the Builder in 1106, it was the religious and philosophical hub of Georgia for many centuries.

King David the Builder's grave. He was buried under the gate to the monastery so learned men could use him and his creations as a pathway to Georgian greatness.
King David ruled from 1089 to 1125, and during that time he drove the Seljuk Turks out of the Caucasus and ruled over most of modern day Georgia, Armenia, Northeastern Turkey, and Azerbaijan. He also built many churches, schools, and roads, earning the title "The Builder."
Bagrati Cathedral was originally built in the 11th century and was rebuilt in 2012. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but UNESCO doesn't like that it was rebuilt and has threatened to take it off of the World Heritage list. Though it may lose its UNESCO status, Bagrati Cathedral is now in use and is still very beautiful.

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